Sunday 28 December 2008


David Halpin

It is a beautiful afternoon here on Dartmoor. The sunlight has that quality one sees in Russian paintings of birch trees in the crisp snow. The three lovely grandchildren - girls, are here. We have been out for a walk on the moor in freedom - not stifled by a 60 year long occupation that started with a terror driven ethnic cleansing.

I phoned my brother in Gaza at noon. The couple had their fourth child, a baby girl, 7 days ago. There are now 4 children, so what future?

There has been no electricity for 48 hours. If the hospital generators fail (they are meant for stand by only), those on ventilators etc might die. Those on ventilation are having their bronchial trees sucked out using syringes. 1500 need special medical care outside Gaza. Since June 2007 and the pre-emptive strike by Hamas and the tightening of the noose, there have been 273 Palestinian murders. One can assume at least three times that number have been wounded. There have been uncounted hundreds dying from want of adequate medical services. I have seen many 'amputees' and appeared with one - Bashir on Al Aqsa TV. 3,500 factories have shut and the unemployment rate is about 80%.

The population is braced for a general invasion. The direction might be multiple. The CIA trained Palestinian 'quisling' forces might use the sealed Egyptian border. The sea 'border' might have a US element.

They feel that Ms Livni and her Zionist conspirators have been greatly hurt by the solidarity of the people in Gaza in spite of every effort to cow them. They were required to kneel for a loaf. They prefer to die standing than to live on their knees. I embrace them in this, the 2008th year of our Lord. That the barbarians should do this is no surprise. That the well fed but extremely ill educated nations of the west should not lift a finger in disapproval is no cause for surprise either. The 'stance' of the Arab 'leadership' is beyond words. It is loathed as much by the Palestinians as by the domestic populations.

I cannot say happy New Year. The hollowness is even more extreme, rather as the State Broadcaster's lies have become.


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